Friday, May 6, 2011

Cyclic Preparation Plan

Developing a Study Plan for Civil Services

You are just going to graduate from your college, and being a civil servant is your ambition. You are thinking how you can make a thorough plan for your preparation. Here is one approach that could help you: Cyclic Preparation Plan

Step 1. June: Understand UPSC Civil Services Exam

Spend one full month in going through the information about the exam. Understand the exam pattern and thoroughly go through the syllabus of both the prelims and the mains. Look at the list of optional subjects and identify the ones that appeal to you most. Here is a link to this info. Get feedback and information about good study material and learning systems. Finalize your optional subjects.

Step 2. July-August: Prelims – Round 1

By now, you would have become a newspaper lover. Go through good editorials, latest events, and develop a learning attitude. News is very important, and every event has information. Go through the NCERT and the basic learning material for prelims. Map your strengths and weaknesses. Identify the subjects that you love to study and the subjects you tend to avoid. This will help you structure your studies. Go through one full round of study for prelims. Make sure to work hard on English and Writing Skills, they will be useful.

Step 3. October – December: Mains – Round 1

October: Go through the syllabus and the topic in your optional subjects. Go through the basics of the subjects and develop a plan.

November – December: Some students may choose to go over one subject in complete detail and brush over the second subject. Other students may choose to go over both the subjects in a similar fashion. Decide which of the two styles suits you best.

Step 4. January – May: Prelims – Round 2

Split up your preparation into phases:

Phase 1: Build-up Knowledge

Phase 2: Practice

Phase 3: Revision

Develop an exam temperament.


Ok, at this point you might be thinking that you are sweating hard. But remember, this was the net practice. You are yet to play the match. So shake up yourself and one more round around the ground.

Step 5. Mains – Round 2

Keep working on General Studies and Current Affairs throughout.

July - Start with English and your optional language. Work on your essays.

August – September - Optional Subjects: the Last chance to go into the depths.

October – Take Tests and develop an exam temperament. Keep yourself in a steady and relaxed mode. There is no space for panic – “positivity” is the mantra


Almost a year of secluded study may have affected your social skills. Go out and talk to people, meet some achievers, some friends, family, and some common people on the streets. Know the real-world once again. In other words, build a personality. Keep reading good news and books. Keep reminding yourself that the whole process may need another cycle.


Keep them with you: Positivity – Focus - Determination

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