Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to practice writing for UPSC mains?

Here is a real question from a real student in a real situation. 

"I am preparing solely by myself 
                              - how do I practice writing answers to 10-15 years previous question papers. 
Should I get solved mains papers and learn from them and then write, or should I write answers directly 
                           ...but then there's nobody to check them. 
I'm a feeling confused. Please guide."

Let's start with understanding the situation first. You are alone, and finding a need for someone to discuss the ideas / information / answers with. The key area under focus is the writing skills so I will limit this article to this situation and this area. 

First of all, there is no denying that study groups can play a significant role in the preparation. While most of us would easily agree that our study group  is playing an important role in the preparation of information based areas. For example, there is so much information being exchanged right from definitions, to phenomena, to facts, events, and current affairs. But that almost sounds like limiting the group to the prelims preparation. But, when we come to UPSC Civil Services Mains, writing is very important. Before we go into answers, let's first cover other important issue. 

How to improve writing? Well, you cannot make a chocolate sweet by adding salt. you cannot improve writing by reading alone. To improve writing you will have to write. But then as our friend says " ...but then there's nobody to check them.". Now this is where the group can be of help and you can help the group too.

You can follow these steps:
1. Write about an important topic and issue. This could be a previous year's question paper or a new current topic. 
2. Post it as a note on the group. 
3. Ask the team members to rate and  review on the following areas:
        a. English - Grammar
        b. English - writing style. Ease of reading, and whether is message is communicated properly
        c. Facts - Are the facts correct, are the facts sufficient, are any facts missing
        d. Arguments - Are the arguments logical, are there any errors in the argument
        e. Overall appeal as a complete write-up

For the group:
These write-ups would be a good reference for the team-members. You should be happy that someone contributed an important and current issue of importance. Contribute by reviewing the article and constructive feedback. 
Remember, by reviewing an article, you will be able to set the right benchmarks for yourself. I will not say learn from other people's mistakes but I will strongly suggest "Learn From other People's Efforts"

For the Writer:
The review from the team would help you not only with language but also with building logical arguments and a case for your point of view. 
Do not worry about:
a. What will people think about me if they find mistakes? You are doing the right thing. Do not hesitate. Go ahead and write.
b. Bad Reviews. Split the bad reviews into two parts. 
             1. Logical reviews - very important, do not ignore them
             2. Reviews without references and logical reasoning - don't be bothered by these kind of review. 

Help others and they will help you back. 


  1. Thank you for this...! Very effective strategy to be evaluated right from the comfort of our homes while being useful for others as well.

  2. why you guys always fool us by giving unsatisfactory answers? tell us the way to write answers for the beginner on how to write really, on what to write and how to start to write for the first time.?

